Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Froggy Fully Step-By-Step


- I create the basic shape for the eyes and also the body of the frog
- I used basic shape for the eyes and using pen tool for the water drop shape
- I combined the eyes and the body of the frog using path finder tool


- I make the leaves and nose also using pen tool
- I select all 4 leaves to make it into 1 group by grouping them


- I'm using the path finder to make the glass at the outer part of it
- I combined 2 oval shape; then I group them together; after that I'm using the divide tool for it and at the end I un-group back the shape and move them piece by piece...


- I started to put colour for the object
- I used the basic colour 1st as the starter


- I start adjusting the colour using the gradient tool
- I'm using the graphic style tool to change the type of medium that the object refers to..(eg: water drop - I'm applying water style for it)
- The outline of the object, I applied the brush tool to make it look more sharp and nice to see


- I make the reflection of the drops using the pen tool
- I adjust the transparency for it to make it suite
- The gradient and the graphic style also I edit a little bit to make it look glossy


- I make the eyes colour adjustment by editing the gradient for it to look the mix of the colour black and white
- I make the last touch up for the froggy to make the colour looks good


- I group the necessary object into one group and rename all the layer to make it easy to recognize
- The sketch at the top left I used as my reference to avoid me out of track...
- The final output I convert it to .png file...


Christina said...

I love this design, can I use it in a quilt?

Fyza said...

thanx 4 ur comment...
hm..if u insist to use in a quilt, can I see the output when u finish it...hehe...