Sunday, December 21, 2008

MMU-FOE Open Day (Fully Description)

Dear My Work Station,

After a long journey with this wallpaper....
Finally I managed to complete my task!
Thank God! :)

Here are my fully description of this digital wallpaper!


MMU-FOE Open Day

What is FOE? FOE actually stands for Faculty Of Engineering.It contains 9 courses for Undergraduate studies. Postgraduate studies are divided into 3 categories which are Master of Engineering, Doctor of Engineering and Research Degree. To make the audience to be more clearer about the courses of the Engineering, Multimedia University is launching the MMU-FOE Open Day. So, I will be the person who take incharge in promoting the faculty to the audience. The target user are for the freshies and also for the visitor who are interested in knowing this faculty. In my MMU-FOE Open Day, I make the audience know when is the date of Open Day for the Engineering Courses. The MMU-FOE Open Day will be held on 9th January 2009.I'm include the details to which they can contact if they have inquiry.I'm using the robotic as the symbolic for Engineering field. The graduated MMU FOE student will show that all FOE student have the ability to graduate with the Flying Colours. I'm using this tagline 'Switch ON the Engineering Skills!' to attract the audience and at the same time to make the images will be more significant between each other. So, by completed MMU-FOE Open Day digital wallpaper, I hope I can achieve my target through the messages.


-I import the main image which is the robotic bulb image...
-I edit the colour by adjusting the brightness & contrast...
-I crop some part of it to eliminate the copyright sign...

-import the main image-

-I took the picture which I snapped previously which is the FOE signboard...
-I just need the text for my design...
-So, I crop text using the Crop tool...
-Then, I dragged the crop text to the main image...

-crop the image from my snapshot-

-I'm using the transform tool (CTRL + T) to place the text to the image socket...
-I'm pressing the 'CTRL' button while placing the edge of the text...
-Then, I changed to colour to be more brighter...
-I'm using the curve tool to adjust the colour...

-using the transform tool-

-Then, I create new layer to make the text...
-I create the main text first and place them at some part that I want to place them...
-Thus, I insert the courses list at the image...
-I get all those courses from FOE website...
-I changed the colour for it to make it looks contrast course by course...

-insert the main text-

-insert the list of the courses-

-To make the wire to be spotted in the image, I used the brush tool to colour the plug in yellowish...
-In the brush tool, I choosed the suitable size for the brush and I changed the Layer type to be in color mode...
-I just colour half of the wire because I just need to show the audience just the main part of the wire...Not the entire wire due to my 1st target to make the main plug to be synchronize with the tagline...

-using paint brush-

-I'm inserting the MMU 3D logo to the main image...
-I used the Lasso tool to eliminate the background of the logo...
-I adjust the colour using the contrast and brightness to make the image looks more clearer...

-inserting the MMU 3D Logo-

-I'm using the transform tool to place the image inside the bulb...
-I want to make it looks like the logo will be the eye of the robot...
-I'm using the 'CTRL' button to move the edge of the transform image to be fit inside it...
-I'm adjusting the transparency for the logo, so that it match with the fragile bulb..

-using transform tool-

-I'm inserting the LCD screen to the main image...
-I eliminate the background using the Magic Wand tools and also the Lasso tools....
-Then, I changed the LCD colour to be in almost grey mode to look alike the main background image...

-inserting the LCD screen-

-I imported my friend's graduation images inside...
-I changed the colour using the photo filter to make it looks Cyan colour...
-Then, I apply the Hue and Saturation colour to make it looks nice...
-After that, I used the transform tool to placed the image to the LCD screen...

-inserting the image to the LCD screen-

-I duplicate the image so that I can make effect between each image..
-I crop the duplicate image using the Lasso tools...
-Then, I used the brush tool to make it looks black and white colour except the robe ribbon colour which is Orange to show that FOE robe colour...
-I used the Drop Shadow effect to make shadow around the image and some glowing effect...
-Then, I put the image near the LCD but I minimized the size of the LCD and the image that I placed before..
-This will make looks like the image is going out from the LCD screen...
-That's my main purpose to do it...

-crop the image-

-To create the different effect to the main background, I'm using the filter effect for it...
-I choose Craquelure effect to make it looks like rough...
-I adjust the crack spacing, depth and brightness to make it looks realistic...
-Thus, I also used the rough effect to make it looks more roughly...

-use the Filter effect for the background texture-

-I make some adjustment to the text style to make it looks suitable to the theme...
-My theme to be simple and easy to read..
-So, I decided to use blue colour as the main colour...
-I applied the Drop Shadow,Bevel and Emboss and also Stroke style to make it looks more like 3D text...
-Then, I changed the opacity for it...
-I used the suitable text font size and type to make it look not to un-formal type..

-adjust the font style-

-I insert the contact numbers and also the website in the wallpaper...
-I make the text to be well placed to make the audience not feel confusing when they read it...
-I choose black colour text style at the right side to make the difference between the text on the left side...

-position the texts-

-I insert the tagline text which is 'Switch ON Your Engineering Skill!'...
-I place the tagline below as related to the robotic image...
-I used the additional brush effect for the text to avoid plain background...
-I placed the brush effect at the corner of the text..
-I make it in different size and colourwhich is black and blue...

-add additional brush effect-

-Then, I add the additional shape that looks like window to be placed at the left side...
-The reason I used it, is because I want to seperate both text and images differently...
-I'm also applying the concept of in-formal symmetry for the main image to be well balance ...
-I choose the color as same as the robotic background colour which is grey...

-add additional shape effects-

-I used the butterfly brush effect to show that FOE students can graduate with flying colours...
-I used the colourful colour for the butterflies...
-I edit the size for it to be more cute butterflies....

-add butterfly brush effect-

-I used the brush tool to apply the blue and black flowers at the bottom of the LCD...
-I changed the size of the brush...
-I make the brush style to be apply like the flowers flows from the side to bottom...

-adding the brush effect at the bottom of the LCD-

-I make the 'ON' words to be in red and UPPERCASE so that the audience will pay more attention to the tagline...
-I placed the tagline at the bottom...
-I used the Shadow Drop tools for the text to make some effect to it...

-adjusting the tagline-

Final Output

-Here is the final output for the digital wallpaper...
-I make some adjustment here and there to make it looks more nice effect...
-Plus, I'll make some changes after I got some advised by Mdm. Lydia...
-I changed the date colour to be look different from the 'Open Day' colour...
-So, final touch up is completed!

-MMU-FOE Open Day (before Mdm. Lydia commented)-

-MMU-FOE Open Day (after Mdm. Lydia commented)-

Mission Accomplish!


Unknown said...

Good efforts. Don't use the same blue color for the date under the OPEN DAY.

Mohamed said...

excellent work as expected from froggy!!
way to go sis..
cun gler artwork..

aramisz^_^`` said...

cemane korang dapat idea wat mende2 nih...guwe xde idea aaaa..tensi toii

umie nadra said...

perghh mantap sehh. dasyat la fyza ni. kagum kagum ~

Fyza said...

Thnx Mdm Lydia...
I'll change the colour already...

Fyza said...

Thnx Med...
can't wait to see ur work!
coz u also have the creative idea!

Fyza said...

For Sarah and Umie...
nie idea last minit baru dtg...
main hentam jer buat..huhu...
takde masa sgt nk wat sebab sebok ber-FYP (final year project)...
tak saba tgk korang nye artwork...
mesti lg gempak punye!
hehe... gambate! :D

Arief Sofian said...

...superb work as expected from froggie-chan~!! colors match well together...nicenice...u deserve my never-ending compliments...keep up~!!...

Fyza said...

ur artwork inspires me all time..
u teach me a lot la..
since illustrator also..hehe...
big thx 2 u bro! :D

Issac Liew Weng Hooi said...

Excellent& Fantastic...