Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Money Making

Dear My Work Station,

Today I've done for the tutorial 3 part...
I choose the money exercise as my practical practice for this tutorial...
I've changed some part of it to make it look different from the original tutorial part...
Here are some journey of documentation regarding my work for this tutorial...


In this tutorial 3, I've learned this concept to make it done:
1-apply the techniques of Masking and Alpha Channel
2-the use of advanced filter effects
3-techniques of applying the text tools with effects 4-compositing the image inside the text

-At first I insert the main images to be the background image...
-I'm using the 'F' key to make it in full version...

-inserting image to main page-

-I click to the channel layer and make all the RGB color to be invisible...
-I click the Alpha layer to make the Saving word to be appear...

-visible the alpha channel-

-In the tutorial, they used the dollar note...but I make some changes...
-I choose the Ringgit Malaysia note to make it looks different from the tutorial part...
-So, I import the RM5 note to the work station...

-insert the RM5 note-

-I dragged the RM5 note to the main page...
-I choose the proper position for it...

-drag the RM5 to the main-

-In this section, I used the transform method to resize the image and put it at the proper position...
-The RM5 note also I placed overlapped with the 'Saving' word...

-position the RM5 note-

-I'm duplicating the RM5 note by pressing the 'ALT' button while dragging the image...
-Then, I used the transform function to edit the size and position it...

-duplicate the RM5 note-

-Then, I choose the Drop shadow tools to make the money has shadow to it...
-I adjust the shadow by dragging the shadow to my desired position...

-make the drop shadow for the money-

-I import the RM10 and RM100 note, then I cropped the note to make it look more nicer...
-Then,I dragged to the main image and position it as above way...

-crop the RM10 note-

-crop the RM100 note-

-Same technique I applied from the above way...
-I make the duplicate RM note and place it along the 'Saving' word...
-All the notes I make the drop shadow function..

-position the RM10 and RM100 notes-

-I clicked to the channel layer..
-Then, I make the RGB colour to be visible again and the Alpha channel colour to be invisible..

-visible the RGB channel and hide the Alpha channel-

-I click all the RGB colour and then I pressed the 'CTRL' button while clicking the Alpha channel layer...
-So, the 'dash' saving word will be appeared...

-make the load selection-

-I click to the layer section and I press the 'ALT' + 'BackSpace' to make it change to black colour...
-So, the Saving word already can be seen...
-Then, I dragged the layer down to be on top of the background layer...

-fill the saving word with the black colour-

-I make all the layer to be invisible accept the background and the saving layer to be seen...
-Then, I pressed the 'CTRL' button and hold to the line between 2 layers...
-Both layer are to be group together and the word and images are blend together...

-apply images to the text-

-I used the same techniques and apply it to the other layer after visible back all the layer...
-I hold the all layers and then group them together with the previos layer that has been combined with text...
-apply images to all saving text-


-I make some changes to the final images just to test my skills from the previous tutorial...
-I'm using the brush tool to make the background in the black and white colour....
-The sea also I changed it to make in blue colour using the brush tool...
-I did this just for fun...hehe... :D

-extra modify-

-black,blue and white touch-

Final Output

Then here is my final output for the tutorial 3...
So, I'm done with it....
Yeah! Weee~ :D

-Money Money Money-


Arief Sofian said...

*with the apprentice BG song*, money, money~!!...looks nice with colorful notes of me lunch sometime k...good job~!...

Unknown said...

Yes, I like what you did. Hope you continue your good work and explore more on the tool.

Fyza said...

thnx nakai aka arief...
u also did a gud job!
buy u lunch?
huhu.. we will see how later k...

Fyza said...

thank you Mdm...
I'll explore more on Photoshop tools after this...
thnx once again! :)