Tuesday, December 9, 2008

MMU-FOE Open Day (SnapShot)

Dear My Beloved Work Station,

On last Friday, I managed to take some snap shot around FOE building...
I captured some of the images which I think look interesting..
Then, I did some tour along MMU to capture anything which can be related to the wallpaper to-be..
but the problem arrised that day is that, not the right timing..
I snap the picture during the afternoon around 12 o-clock because that the only time I have to snap the pictures...
So, the quality of the images not so nice...
this means, I need a lot of work to improvise the picture by edit it later..
So, here are some of my chosen snapshots...

-FOE signboard-

-FOE signboard and building-

-FOE stairs-

-FOE main entrance-

-FOE side view-

-FOE yellowish tutorial room-


Izrul said...

indeed, it is very interesting...

Unknown said...

I agree, nice pictures but how about The Making?

Fyza said...

thnx izrul...

Fyza said...

thnx Mdm Lydia... I'll update the making ASAP oke... :)